Should Republicans in Cecil County continue to support a Cecil County council member that has raised taxes not once but twice in a row during his first terms? This was voted on under the direction of the Alan McCarthy who was the County Executive during that time as well as a member of the Cecil Business Leaders PAC that has been the financier of the council member Patchell, Miller and Coutz campaigns.
The Cecil Business Leaders PAC was formed in 2011 by the Johnson Family, Williams family with David Williams taking the lead, and Alan McCarthy. This fact can be verified by the Maryland Election Board records. On this record you can see Alan McCarthy’s home address on Biddle street.

Al Miller continues to deny he raised taxes when we have him on public record voting for the tax increase and the Cecil Whig also published the tax increase in the public notice section of the newspaper as required by law. Remember Alan McCarthy also tried denying taxes on his re-election campaign and lost badly due to this as well as his association with Democrats. Al Miller is not much different this year. It is up to the voters to determine what the outcome will be for Miller and Coutz who both raised taxes with McCarthy and also supported by Democrats.
It will be very interesting to see if all of the marketing dollars from special interests and personal relationships/connections vs Millers actions on the tax payers of Cecil County will send him packing or endure more liberal polices like supporting liberal mandates and tax and spend policies.